The Art of Negotiation in the Ultra-Luxury Property Market

The Art of Negotiation in the Ultra-Luxury Property Market

Negotiation is a key part of any real estate transaction. While buyers are often interested in keeping their costs as low as possible, sellers want to maximize the return they can get on their investments as they put their properties on the market. Ultimately, a solid real estate transaction is one in which both sides walk away feeling satisfied. Whether you're interested in buying a property or selling, it's important to understand negotiation strategies for luxury properties and how they can impact the entire home-buying and -selling process.

1. Know what you can ask for

When it comes to negotiation, it's not just about lowering or raising the asking price of the property, though that's certainly part of the negotiation process. There are several other concessions buyers can ask for when they come to the negotiation table.

Closing costs

Most of the time, the buyers of a property will take care of paying closing costs. However, some buyers will agree to a higher asking price if the seller will take care of those final costs on the property. Closing costs can run between 2% and 5% of the mortgage price, which means that they can be a substantial drain on buyers' finances. Agreeing to pay closing costs can help sellers close on the property.


Before buyers finalize their offer on a property, they will bring in an inspector to examine the property and identify any potential problems. A home inspection ensures that the property does not have any obvious dangers that need to be taken care of quickly or have any unexpected problems that could lower its value.

If the inspection does uncover any issues with the property, buyers may ask that the seller lower the cost of the property or take care of the issue before they take possession. Often, these repairs are an essential part of the negotiation process.

Moving dates

As part of the negotiation process, some buyers or sellers may choose to negotiate moving dates. As a seller, you may need more time to move out of the property, especially if you have not yet secured a new home. On the other hand, as a buyer, you might need to move out of your current property quickly. As part of the negotiation process, you can discuss moving dates, including when you need to take possession of the property.


In the ultra-luxury market, many sellers do not want to take all their furniture and decor with them when they move out of the house. You may have worked with a designer to redecorate rooms in the house just to put it on the market, or you may be moving into a home with a different overall appearance than the one you have been living in. Buyers, however, may fall in love with many of the existing furnishings and fixtures in the home. As part of negotiating, you may choose to discuss which furnishings remain in the house.

2. Understand the ultra-luxury market

The ultra-luxury market works a little differently than the traditional real estate market. It's important to work with a real estate agent who has a strong understanding of that market, including the typical selling price of the properties in that range. Ultra-luxury properties often remain on the market longer than other properties, even in markets where homes do not linger for long. Sellers are often waiting for the right buyer who has the budget to purchase and maintain those properties and is interested in the specific amenities that the property has to offer.

Buyers, on the other hand, are looking for the ideal property for their needs, and they often aren't willing to settle. As a result, they may be more willing to walk away from a deal that does not reflect what they need, want to negotiate longer, or make more concessions for a property that does fit their requirements.

3. Pay attention to the local market

Your local real estate market may greatly affect how much negotiation you can do in an ultra-luxury property transaction. An experienced local real estate agent can provide you with a strong understanding of the local market. That expertise begins when you put your home on the market or start looking for a property; your real estate agent can provide you with essential information about pricing, what ultra-luxury homes in the area are offering, and how each property fits within those standards.

The local market may determine how much room each side has to negotiate. In situations where houses are selling quickly, buyers may find themselves with limited options for negotiation. This can lead to scenarios where buyers end up paying more than the asking price to secure the property as soon as possible. On the other hand, if homes are lingering on the market, buyers may have more room to discuss pricing and any other details that matter to them as they select the home of their dreams.

4. Know your limits before you start negotiating

Before you even start negotiating, you need to have a clear idea of your limits and what matters most to you about the real estate transaction. Buyers, for example, may need to clearly establish a budget before they get ready to purchase a home. One must consider the importance of how much of a loan you can be approved for. There is also a need to consider elements such as how much you can actually afford to pay for your home each month, including the cost of maintenance. For sellers, it's important to know both how much you may owe on your current mortgage and how much you need to make on the home sale.

Consider other elements, as well. For example, if you have a specific move-in date in mind as a buyer, or if, as a seller, you know that you do not want to leave specific furnishings behind, be clear about that from the beginning. Ultimately, you have the right to walk away from a real estate transaction that fails to fit your needs. Keeping that in mind can provide you with more confidence as you negotiate.

Get the assistance of an expert real estate agent

If you seek to buy or sell a home in the prestigious ultra-luxury real estate market, partnering with the right real estate agent is critical to a successful negotiation. Look no further than Sam Palmer, a trusted name in the industry who understands the singular demands of this niche market. Contact Sam today to discuss your real estate needs and embark on the journey toward acquiring or selling your luxurious dream property.